The Universe said ENOUGH

Those of you that know me well can attest to the fact that I am a little bit of a workaholic. I tend to fill my days with the work that needs to be done and then I throw in a few more hours just because. This is who I am and, I think, I function well in this fashion.

However, sometimes, even for me, the pace is just too fast and the workload becomes just too much. My energy metre gets closer to the zero mark and my spiritual level is not far behind.

This is where I found myself at the end of December. While the fall and early winter were filled with many wonderful and deeply spiritual moments, it was a lot! But I also have some difficulty stopping and taking the needed rest that I so often advise others to take. This I believe, is when the Universe steps in and says enough is enough.

The Universe said ENOUGH

Yesterday I was given a gift. It came in the form of white and fluffy particles that fell steadily from the sky. So much of it came that there was no choice but to stay put and embrace the day that was given me. With the exception of two very short phone calls early in the morning I did nothing that was related to work. I did not check my emails or look at my datebook. I did not catch up on any writing or do any planning for the coming weeks.

What I did do was

play in the snow,
have coffee with my neighbour,
binge watch “Greys Anatomy”,
spend time in my workshop working on some new creations and
I spent time sitting in silence watching the earth as it was blanketed in snow.

By the time I crawled into bed I was rested and renewed and this morning I woke feeling lighter than I had in weeks.

There is a saying that goes “Spirit works in mysterious ways”. While I believe this to be true, it is also true that many of us don’t stop to open ourselves to spirit when it does move. Or it is so mysterious that we can not see it. Sometimes we see all the signs but we push it aside. Yesterday the spirit moved, not mysteriously, but clearly and fiercely, stopping me in my tracts and giving me no option but to stop. Today I am deeply grateful for the gift the Universe gave me.

My prayer is that you will have open eyes, ears and hearts to receive whatever gift spirit is offering you. May you be rested, renewed, empowered.


©2020 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury. All rights reserved.