Today I give thanks for

This Sunday is celebrated in many parts of the world as Father’s Day. A time to honour the men in our lives who have taught us and challenged us, loved us and inspired us. As I thought about this I began to wonder at it’s history. Is this a relatively new phenomena? Where did it begin? So, in this day of technology, I googled it.

The History of Father’s Day – Google Says …

What I discovered is that celebrations of fathers can be dated back as early as the 5th century beginning in the Roman Catholic tradition and celebrated on the feast day of St. Joseph which is March 19th. It was a time of honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds and the influence of fathers in society. It was not marked in Canada or the USA and outside the Roman Catholic tradition until the 20th century. From what I could glean the first service was July 5, 1908 in Fairmont, West Virginia. A special service was held to honour 360 men who had died in a coal mine explosion. Then celebrations were sporadic and really didn’t take root until a little later. It is now marked in most countries of the world on a variety of dates between March 19th and December 5th.

In this day and age some feel that days relegated to specifically honouring mothers or fathers is outdated, inappropriate, not politically correct and the list goes on. There are many reasons for this and some are indeed quite valid. Not all fathers are wonderful and indeed many men are not good role models. This could be said for a variety of people, men and women, in the Human race.

Today I give thanks for …

However, just like mother’s day. I must admit that I am still in favour of a day to honour the men in my life who have helped to shape and mold me, who have held me and nurtured me, challenged me and enabled me to become the best person I can be. So today I give thanks for…

My biological father who was and is a constant source of wisdom, love and strength. He taught me that I could be and do anything. He modeled for me a way of being that encompassed care for creation and for the people in my life. He fostered creativity and humour. He showed me how to live with integrity, honour and dignity

My brother-in-laws who have always been there and who are a reminder to me of quiet strength, deep wisdom, and unconditional love

My mentor, Dr.Morley Hodder who firmed up my faith foundation and challenged me to think beyond the surface stuff to connect deeply with Divine. Who has journeyed with me, encouraged me, celebrated with me and continues to be an anchor and a place of unconditional love

My brothers in spirit who have shown me what it is to face great challenges and walk through them . Who are a source of laughter, love and joy. Who are my best friends and my constant companions.

And to all those men, who during my ministry, have walked with me, supported me, challenged me, frustrated me, celebrated with me, loved me and been as fathers for me

So this week I invite you to remember those men in your lives who have been a positive influence, who have provided you with love and joy; who have walked the walk with you; with whom you have laughed and cried.


© 2019 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury. All rights reserved.