The Secret is Turnip Greens

Every summer we return home to our little piece of heaven in a small village in Newfoundland. There are many things about this time away that fill my soul. It is a place of renewal, retreat, connection with family and a place of transformation. These things happen in a variety of ways but perhaps that one thing that says “this has been a great trip” is Turnip Greens!

The Secret is Turnip Greens

Turnip GreensTurnip greens, I have discovered, are a Newfoundland thing. They are not available to me beyond the borders of this island, at least, not with any ease. So, the minute we arrive the search is on! What markets have them in stock? Have we missed the time of harvest? This year I thought that perhaps we were too late. But not So! Once the greens are acquired (lots and lots of greens) comes the process of bottling. My oldest daughter, who has not been to Newfoundland in years, waits anxiously for the text or the picture announcing that the turnip greens have been secured. I bottle enough for both of us to last until next season and set them aside to carry on our return journey to Nova Scotia.

Now, these are not just tasty bits of creation, they hold within them memory, stories, connection and a sense of home.

Much of our time in life is spent in the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment. We think, if we can only reach this level in our career, acquire this new toy, travel to this particular place, build our dream home…. then we will have lived a good, happy and fulfilled life. We think of large things but I think the secret is “Turnip Greens”.

It’s the small and sometimes insignificant things

that bring us a sense of connectedness with the universe;

that enable us to feel contentment and accomplishment;

that speak to us of love, wrap us in a warm blanket and remind us that we are truly blessed.

So today I pray that you will recognize your Turnip Greens and know a sense of peace and happiness and be renewed for the days ahead.
