My Year End Review

It is hard to believe that Christmas Eve has come and gone and now we look to the ending of another year. Soon, year end reviews will be happening on social media, TV and radio and we will, each in our own way, look back at what has taken place since last year this time. Many of us will make New Years resolutions, start new projects, and dream of what the year ahead might bring. It is another time of endings and beginnings.

Year in ReviewMy Year End Review

As I reflect on this past year I am reminded of all that has happened, some good and some not so good and I am filled with gratitude for the people who walk this journey with me. In the good we have celebrated and in the not so good we have cried and all of it has been cradled in love. As I look to the year ahead I am filled with a sense of anticipation for what might be and am secure in the knowledge that this too will be held in the heart of love.

My year end review is really about the blessings that surround me and the joy that comes with being a part of something larger than just me.

Today I honour and give thanks for ….

My Faith Community – First United Church is indeed family for me. Each of you has given of yourselves in this journey we call life and I am constantly reminded of the power of love. Even when we have our disagreements, wade through our uncertainties, and navigate through the unknown there is a sense that we are in this together and ultimately we are brothers and sisters in Christ. I give thanks that, in this place, we have embraced the diversity that exists among us and given the opportunity for growth and renewal.

Team Awesome – my partners in ministry are a constant course of joy, wonder, love and “yes”, sometimes challenge. Together we have created and celebrated. We have been a source of comfort and support; empowerment and sometimes irritation! I give thanks for each of you and the ministry that we share.

My Daughters – such strong, wonderful, compassionate and creative women. They have been my source of love and amazement as I watch each one grow and change. Their laughter rings in darkest times and their love of life empowers me.

My Grandchildren – their laughter, questions, curiosity and wisdom remind me that a child will indeed lead us. They are sunshine in my day and love in my heart.

My partner in life, Mark – what can I say. We have travelled through thick and thin, laughed and cried as one, dreamed and watched those dreams come true. Always side by side.

My Sisters – the ones who form the foundation upon which I stand. They are the calm in my storm, the strength in my weakness, the joy in days, the laughter in my tears, and the wonder in my life.

My Neighbours – the smiles that can make a day, the gifts of care and support, the laughter around the fire, snow clearing, storytelling and phone calls at random times just to share a thought.

My prayer is that you too will be able to see the blessings that surround you; that those blessings will give rise to peace in your being; and that you will look to the year ahead with wonder knowing that together even the clouds cannot overshadow the love.

I leave you with a few lines from the Kings message – December 25 ~ 1939

“I said to the man who stood at the gate of the Year “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”

And he replied “ Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God.

That shall be to you better than the light. And safer than the known way.”


© 2018 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury.  All rights reserved.

Two Books Now Available in PDF Format

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