I Pray For You

This past weekend people spent time celebrating mothers. For some, this meant their biological mothers, for others it was their chosen mothers, and for still others it was the women in their lives who have been there on the journey and hold a special place in the heart.

On Saturday I had the privilege of joining with the community to celebrate a woman who was mother, friend, teacher, grandmother and so much more. It was amazing to see so many of her past students show up, dust off their instruments and join together to create music that filled the air with love and celebration.

On Sunday, I stood at the baptismal font at 10:30 and again at 2pm to mark a new beginning for two young folk and a baby. I was blessed to witness their mothers standing with and beside them as they took an important step in their spiritual journey.

Then later in the day I again joined with community to remember and lift up another woman whose journey touched and changed the world in which she lived. A feminist and entrepreneur, mother, grandmother, ife companion, and friend, she cared deeply about those who surrounded her and the earth is a better place because she walked upon it.

It was an awesome way to mark mother’s day for me and I was truly blessed!

The Woman in My Physical and Spiritual Journey

In my quiet time after this busy weekend I began to think about the women who have played such an important role in my physical and spiritual journey and there are many. Some have been in my life since birth – grandmother. Mother, sisters. Others have come into my life at various stages. Each one has held a special place in my heart and set, for me, an example of how to live and love and empowered me to be the best that I can be. For them, I am eternally grateful.

I pray for YouI Pray For You

In the story of our faith we have countless examples of women who have lived faithfully; stood up and spoke out in ways that have changed the world; and been examples of love and compassion. They have been healers and helpers; preachers and evangelists; and those who call us into right relationship. For them, I am also filled with deep gratitude.

So today I pray for you

the loyalty of Ruth,

the courage of Ester

the leadership abilities of Deborah,

the work ethic of Martha,

the devotion of Mary, and

the passion to share the good news like the woman at the well.


© 2018 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury